8:00 AM 9:00 AM
Literature, Math, and Science, Oh My! Using Children’s Literature to Make Real-World Math Connections | On Demand
Counting on Katherine, Sophie, and More: Using Children’s Literature to Teach Math! Elementary teachers are invited to attend this session to engage in problem-posing, STEM infused activities that incorporate children’s literature. Learn strategies for helping students make real-world mathematics connections, promote positive identities, and experience the joy, wonder, and beauty in mathematics.
Presenter/Affiliation : Latrenda Knighten
Class Type -
10:00 AM 11:00 AMJuly 14, 2022
453 Session Remaining
Literature, Math, and Science, Oh My! Using Children’s Literature to Make Real-World Math Connections
Counting on Katherine, Sophie, and More: Using Children’s Literature to Teach Math! Elementary teachers are invited to attend this session to engage in problem-posing, STEM infused activities that incorporate children’s literature. Learn strategies for helping students make real-world mathematics connections, promote positive identities, and experience the joy, wonder, and beauty in mathematics.
Presenter/Affiliation : Latrenda Knighten
Room : Hemisfair Ballroom C2
Class Type -